Board Appointment Announced


The Governor’s office has released the following information: 

Board Vacancy 1 (one):  May 2024—January 2027

BOARD OF COSMETOLOGY Number of Seats:  1   

Meetings:  no fewer than 4 per year. 

Responsibilities:  To administer the Cosmetology Act in such a manner as to protect the public health, safety and welfare; assign administration of examinations; establish by rule, qualifications for licensure, develop rules and regulations pertaining to health, safety and infection control; determine standards for course study, curriculum, and requirements for cosmetology schools, and to initiate and conduct investigation on consumer complaints when necessary. 

Terms: 3 years. 

Appointment Distribution:  Each member shall be a cosmetologist, hair stylist, esthetician, or nail tech licensed in Wyoming with at least 5 years experience immediately preceding the appointment; board members will represent various geographical areas of Wyoming.  No member shall be affiliated with or hold interest in any cosmetology school while serving on the board. 


For further information or to apply online: